Shuswap Climate Action Society
supporting community knowledge and solutions

Our Organization
We are a non-profit, non-partisan group of volunteers and concerned citizens providing information and community support for climate action in the Shuswap region of British Columbia, Canada.
Become a Member
Annual memberships (new or returning) are $20 (for individual) or $30 (for a family of two or more people living in the same household). Need more info on becoming a member? Please click the button below.

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In the News...
The National Observer - Jet fuel emissions soar to record heights
Barry Saxifrage of the National Observer did an analysis of the aviation industry. His data shows that the volume of jet fuel burned has skyrocketed, more than doubling since 1990. One of the solutions is switching to "sustainable aviation fuel" or SAF which is made from biofuel. How doable is the switch to SAF and can it be done affordably?

Majority of Canadians support climate action and renewable energy ahead of federal election

The David Suzuki Foundation commissioned a recent poll in anticipation of the federal election that has now been scheduled for April 28. That survey indicated 67% of Canadians agree that the next federal government should make climate action and protecting nature a high priority.
The polling data also confirmed:
Most Canadians (65%) agree that Canada should invest in renewable energy instead of fossil fuel developments.
A majority of Canadians (62%) agree that Canada should maintain its climate commitments independent of the United States administration’s decisions, including its withdrawal from the UN Paris Agreement on climate.
You can read their full article here.
Contact Us!
We are based in beautiful Salmon Arm, BC.
Email us at shuswap.climate@telus.net

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Shuswap Climate Action Society gratefully acknowledge we are on the unceded and unsurrendered traditional lands of the Secwépemc Nation.
Thank you Askew's Foods Uptown for your ongoing support!